Recital/Concert Times & Priority
Major ensembles
Begins Fall preceding next academic year after football schedule is released, completed by March 15.
Small ensembles
(jazz, Center for New Music, percussion, and recruitment events)—Begins December 15, completed March 15 of preceding academic year.
Faculty recitals & events
Begins March 15, completed by July 1 of preceding academic year. After July 1, the Concert Hall will be open to outside scheduling.
Master Classes cannot be scheduled weekdays from 8-12 p.m. or in the Recital Hall or Concert Hall during prime recital times (evening 5:30 or 7:30 recitals)
Unless scheduled during normal seminar time, no Master Classes may be scheduled in the Recital Hall during the last three weeks of classes which is reserved for degree recitals during that period. There will be no house management, programs, or recital attendance provided for Master Classes.
Student degree/ honor recitals
Student degree recitals hold scheduling priority from July 1 to September. Requests for the entire academic year will be accepted starting the July 1 date. Student can hold their date for 8 weeks to coordinate the requirement of their recital if all requirement are not met within those 8 weeks, the student forfeits their date and must re-enter the que. Rescheduling due to illness or injury may be done at the time of the recital cancellation. Please see the cancellation policies below
Honor Recitals may not be scheduled during the last three weeks of classes which is reserved for degree recitals.
Studio recitals
- Faculty may schedule studio recitals beginning July 1.
- The faculty member should use the Student Recital Request Form and schedule during the student recital times.
- A studio recital may also be scheduled during the normal seminar time simply by emailing the Music Scheduling office,
- Unless scheduled during normal seminar time, no studio recitals may be scheduled in the recital hall during the last three weeks of classes which is reserved for degree recitals during that period. There will be no house management or programs provided for studio recitals.
Optional recitals
Begin scheduling September 15th for the academic year. Optional recitals are any non-degree recitals and must be approved by the primary advisor. Optional recitals may NOT be scheduled in the Recital Hall the last three weeks of the semester which is reserved for degree recitals during that period.

Dress Rehearsals
Student dress rehearsal can only be processed for scheduling three weeks prior to the approved recital date. Pianist and Student Conductors may have five (5) hours of dress rehearsal if available. All other students are limited to two (2) hours dress rehearsal pending availability.
Faculty and Guest events are entitled to one (1), two-hour dress rehearsal. Dress rehearsals may be requested at the time the event is scheduled if the prime recital times are avoided (1pm-5pm on weekends and 5:30-10:30pm on weekdays). Three (3) weeks prior to the event, ANY available time may be reserved for a faculty dress rehearsal.
Keyboard faculty may request two (2) additional hours of rehearsal in the performance halls as available.
Major ensembles are entitled to two (2) dress rehearsals in the venue. One (1) dress rehearsal must be during normal class time and one (1) rehearsal may be outside of class time. Collaborative concerts involving more that one major ensemble may schedule two (2) rehearsals outside of class time in the venue.
Recurring Reservations
The following groups may make semester-long reservations using the General Usage option for recurring or one-time events, in order of priority:
Faculty Ensemble Rehearsals
Chamber Ensemble Coaching (with faculty member present, booked by faculty member in first two weeks of classes)
Chamber Ensemble Rehearsal (no faculty member present, booked by faculty member or a registered student registered student in chamber courses
TA teaching a weekly lesson that conflicts with office mate
Student music organizations (Take Note, Voices of Soul, PMA, SAI)
Ad Hoc Reservations
Non-recurring reservations
The following groups may make a reservation using the General Usage option on a non-recurring basis for the next week:
TA teaching a make-up lesson
Multiple person rehearsal (two hours maximum)
Student rehearsal with a piano accompanist (two hours maximum)
Ad hoc reservations
If a room appears free on the Astra calendar, any music student or chamber music group may use the space until the next reserved time on Astra. If an individual or group does not arrive within 15 minutes of their reserved time, their rehearsal time is forfeited and the room is considered free. Performance halls are not eligible for reservations other than academic courses, recitals, and dress rehearsals.
Students may reserve the Recital Hall to rehearse for upcoming contests or auditions after approval from their area faculty and then submitting a request to the Music Scheduler. Students are limited to 6 hours of rehearsal for this type of request.
Student recitals will be held in;
Recital Hall
Choral Room
Large or Smalll Ensemble rooms
Stark Opera Studio.
No off-campus venues are permitted for student recitals.
Studio recitals and master classes can be held in;
Recital Hall
Choral Room
Large or Small Ensemble rooms
Stark Opera Studio
Other venues as needed, off-campus or otherwise
Food & Drink
No food or drink except bottled water is allowed in any classroom, practice room, rehearsal room, or performance hall.
Academic Components
Recital Committees
DMA committees require four (4) members of the Graduate Faculty, two (2) of whom must be regular members (tenured and tenure-track faculty members).
MA committees require three (3) members of the Graduate Faculty, one (1) of whom must be regular members (tenured and tenure-track faculty).
Graduate recital committees must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies before the recital is scheduled.
Undergraduate recital committees must have three (3) members.
Optional recitals simply require the primary advisor’s approval.
Recital Committee Approval
The scheduling form will automatically be sent to the primary advisor and the committee for approval Graduate committee members must also be authorized by the Director of Graduate Studies, who will automatically be notified when the event is scheduled.
The Music Scheduler will contact the student if there are any problems with the committee.
If you have questions about committee selection, please see your faculty advisor.
After the recital, the committee will complete the Recital Report Workflow form. The recital program will be attached by the student to begin this process.
*Students approved by a primary advisor to use a major ensemble concert, opera, or concerto as a degreee recital must also select a committee using the Scheduling Form and adhere to degree recital policies.
Final Dissertation Defense Room Reservation
Dissertation defenses are to be scheduled within the first five weeks of classes. Please include the name of the Primary Advisor, date, and time that the committee is free.
Many dissertation defenses are held in the conference rooms in the administrative suite. A defense will be scheduled for two hours, and the reservation will include an additional half-hour for set-up and half-hour for discussion afterwards (3 hours total). For scheduling in the conference rooms, email
Email to reserve any other room for dissertation defenses. The reservation will be confirmed by email to the student, the advisor and the Academic Office.
DMA Thesis Recording Project Scheduling
Recording session dates and times may be reserved when the Topic Approval form has collected all committee signatures and is received by the Recording Studios and Scheduling Office.
The Recording Studios are available for DMA Recording Project recording sessions during the following times of the year:
- Finals Week of the Fall semester, during Winter Break, and the first three weeks of the Spring semester.
- Finals Week of the Spring semester, during Summer Break, and the first three weeks of the Fall semester.
DMA Project Recording Sessions typically take place in the School of Music Recital Hall. The Concert Hall may also be used, subject to approval from the Recording Studio and Scheduling Office.
Recording Sessions in Voxman Music Building for the DMA Recording Project are reserved using the D.M.A. Recording Project Scheduling Form. The maximum allowable Recording Session time available per project is 24 total hours.
Scheduling Recommendations
Please allow for a minimum of two weeks to schedule and process reservations for major recording project sessions. Sessions will be scheduled in blocks of 3 or 4 hours depending on performers' preferences and hall availability. In order to coordinate with staff schedules, please email <> and <> before submitting your reservation request. If you are performing solo piano repertoire, then please include <> in that correspondence. Thank you.
Cancellation Policy
If you need to cancel your recording session, please notify the following staff by email as soon as possible:
Session cancellations made within less than 48 hours of the reserved setup time in the hall will be subject to the full recording fees for the scheduled session billed at $35/hour, as well as forfeiture of scheduled time in the hall. Exceptions will be considered in cases of illness, emergency, inclement weather, or other safety concerns.
Recording and Livestreaming
The School of Music’s live streaming channel can only support one (1) event at a time.
Livestream Priority:
- Major Ensembles
- Small Ensembles
- Faculty Recitals & Events
- Student Degree Recitals
- Studio Recitals
- Honors Recitals
- Optional Recitals
- Master Classes
Please visit the Recording Studio page for additional information and rates.
Recital Receptions
Post-recital reception space is available in the student common area. The space is subject to first-come, first-serve usage and may not be reserved. Students must ensure that all trash is disposed of after the reception and the area is left clean. No food or drink is allowed in the performance halls or classrooms.
Students are responsible for creating their own programs and all printing costs. Programs must be created using the University of Iowa School of Music program templates. The Rita Benton Music Library has created a resource, Student Recital Guide where templates are found. Extreme deviations from this model may result in the loss of credit for that recital. Students who do not have access to a computer may use the computer lab, 1351 VOX. Please see the posted hours on the lab door.
Programs may be duplicated at any campus Copy Center or at a local business. You are responsible for the cost of your programs. The use of the School of Music Copier for duplicating programs is prohibited.
It is your responsibility to deliver at least one copy of your program to each member of your committee and four copies to the School of Music Admin Office, 1400 VOX.
Following the recital, the program PDF must be sent to in order for the committee to assign a grade for the recital.
Faculty events are provided with official University of Iowa School of Music programs, free of charge. Programs are NOT provided for studio recitals or master classes.
After scheduling an event, email the program creator, Will Yager, program information, bios, and headshots. This information must be submitted to the program creator no later than Three (3) weeks prior to event date. Programs can be up to four pages long, including the cover page and back page with upcoming events.
After scheduling an event, email the program creator, Will Yager, program information, bios, and headshots. This information must be submitted to the program creator no later than Three (3) weeks prior to event date. Programs can be up to four pages long, including the cover page and back page with upcoming events.
Your event will be added to the Arts Iowa Calendar when scheduled. For additional publicity request can be made to the Marketing Team at
Recital Attendance
Recitals will automatically be added to the Recital Attendance Calendar when scheduled. Recital Attendance ends on the final day of classes. There will be no Recital Attendance accredited during finals week. Master Classes or special events will not count toward recital attendance.
House Management
Faculty recitals, events, and lectures are supported by house management. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring faculty to support guest artist events.
Student recitals are not supported with house management by the School of Music house staff. Students can request their sponsoring faculty to assist with house management.
Ensemble events are supported by School of Music house staff.
To cancel an event or recital so that it can be removed from all calendars and Recital Attendance please submit a Cancellation Form (listed at the top under faculty/student forms).
If the rehearsal is canceled or rescheduled, the room should be released for that day/time on Astra. To cancel your room reservation, please send an email to as soon as possible.