Show Info


salt tongue 


Eli Campbell 


Kayla Adams 

Stage Manager 

Reed Davis 


New Play Festival, Production 

First Rehearsal 

April 3rd 

Load In/Tech /Dress 

May 6th, 7th  


May 8th  (2 Performances 5:30pm & 9:00pm)

Roles to be cast 

Age (Presentation) 

Gender (Presentation) 


Rossa (ruh-suh) 

18 - 30 


Of the sea 

Niamh (neeve) 

18 - 30 


Of the land 

Donal (dah-nuhl) 

18 - 30 


A sheep farmer 

Maire (moy-ruh) 

40 - 60 


Niamh’s Mother 

Fintan (fin-tan) 

40 - 60 


Niamh’s Father, a fisherman 


It's 1615 on an island off the coast of Ireland, and Fintan has caught the last fish in the sea. When he finds a man washed ashore that same day, he assumes Rossa must be a shipwrecked sailor and takes him home to recover. But things turn strange the longer Rossa stays, and soon the family that's adopted him must decide whether they've made the right decision. 



Important Dates/Holidays 

3/30 Ougadi/Ugaadi, 3/30 Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)*, 4/4 Qing Ming Jie, 4/6 Ram Navami, 4/10 Mahavir Jayanti, 4/12-4/20 Passover*, 4/13 Theravada (New Year), 4/18 Good Friday,  4/18 Good Friday (Orthodox), 4/20 Easter, 4/20 Easter (Orthodox),5/1 Beltane-Samhain, 5/5 Cinco De Mayo, 5/11 Mother's Day, 5/12 Vesak- Buddha Day, 5/12-16 Spring Finals, 5/17 Commencement, 5/17 Armed Forces Day, 5/26 Memorial Day (Observed), 5/29 Ascension Day, 5/31 Duan Wu Jie, 6/1-3 Shavuot*, 6/8 Pentecost, 6/14 Flag Day, 6/15 Father's Day, 6/19 Juneteenth (Fed. Observed), 6/20 Summer Solstice-Litha, 6/23 Pentecost (Orthodox) 


Fight Choreography Breakdown 


Stage Directions/ Planned Action  




Fintan enters with Rossa propped up on his shoulder, Niamh helping on the other side. 

Fintan, Rossa, Niamh 



Fintan grabs Rossa’s face, slaps it a bit. 

Fintan, Rossa 


71 - 74 

Rossa rubs Maire’s feet and legs. Suddenly, Maire wrenches her leg back. Maire watches him closely as he retrieves the towel. He bends and starts drying of her legs. Rossa’s grip tightens. Maire hisses in pain. His grip tightens further. Maire cries out. Rossa twists Maire’s leg. Rossa releases her leg and gets to his feet. Maire heaves, bent over and in pain. 

Rossa, Maire 



As Donal recites the prayer, he attempts to wrestle Niamh to the ground. In the struggle, Niamh scrambles, claws at him, shoves him, and just as she’s about to be pinned, she reaches out to grab the abandoned fiddle, then smashes it over Donal’s head. Niamh rushes to her feet. As Donal blearily tries to grab at her ankles, she raises the fiddle again. She brings it down on him over and over, until he is a bloody and bruised thing beneath her. 

Niamh, Donal 


86 - 87 

He throws the net over Niamh. She struggles. Fintan drags the net, and Niamh with it, towards the fire. Fintan pulls the net close to the bonfire, Niamh thrashing. 

Niamh, Fintan 



Rossa waits until Fintan is out of sight, then bends over and untangles Niamh, helps her stand. Niamh wrenches herself out of Rossa’s arms, stumbles backward. 

Niamh, Rossa 



Rossa gentles, softens. He approaches Niamh, who steps back at first, but then allows Rossa to reach up and take her face. He thumbs across her silvered scales, touches the soft fins in her hair, ghosts fingers across her lips. She presses her forehead to his. Rossa brings his hands down to Niamh’s neck. Rossa digs his thumbs into Niamh’s neck, and a bloody set of gills are formed. Niamh gasps, clutching at her neck. She stumbles. Just as Niamh realizes she’s having trouble breathing, Rossa pushes her of the clif and into the sea. 

Niamh. Rossa 



Intimacy Choreography Breakdown 


Stage Directions/ Planned Action  




Fintan drops to his knees and rests his head in Maire’s lap, hands curling in her dress. Startled, Maire drops a hand in Fintan’s hair. Fintan presses his face deeper into her lap. 

 Fintan, Maire 



Niamh kisses Rossa. It is quick, brutal. She pulls away. 

Niamh, Rossa 



Rossa holds her, comforting. 

Niamh, Rossa 



Niamh rubs Maire’s feet. 

Niamh, Maire 



She takes his face in her hands, all business, and plants a kiss on his lips. 

Niamh, Donal 


Callback List

Callbacks Schedule:

Thursday, March 27th:  Callbacks, Times TBD, ranging from 6:30pm – 11:00pm

Friday, March 28th:  Callbacks, Times TBD, ranging from 6:30pm – 11:00pm

Saturday, March 29th:  Callbacks, Times TBD, ranging from 10:00am – 5:00pm

Further information will be posted following the auditions on Wednesday, March 26th.

Cast List

Cast Lists will be posted by noon on Sunday, March 30th.


Stage Manager: Reed Davis -

NPF Production Stage Manager: