
Thesis IV (McLaughlin)

  • Showing:
  • Rehearsals: 
  • Performance: April 12 at 5pm
    • Rain Date: April 13th at 5pm
  • Chair: Tony Orrico
  • Location: Hickory Hill Park

Cast List

Fabiola Castaneda-Santiago
Gariana Clinton-Nelson
Jackie Fuentes
Emily Pyburn
Ally Meinders
Trinity Woody

Rehearsal Schedule


Thesis IV: January 13, 2025Build week plan proposal submittedTo Don Schneider:
Thesis IV: January 13, 2025Video/projector proposal DUE

To Rachel Duncan: rachel-duncan@uiowa.edu


Emily Berkheimer: emily-berkheimer@uiowa.edu

Thesis IV: January 13, 2025Microphone and sound equipment request DUE

To Rachel Duncan: rachel-duncan@uiowa.edu


Chris Jensen: christopher-jensen-1@uiowa.edu

Thesis IV: January 21-24, 2025Scene Shop build week

In Hancher Scene Shop

Shop Hours 8am-5pm

Thesis IV: February 17, 2025Special lighting requests from lighting designer DUETo Josh Nathanson: joshua-nathanson@uiowa.edu
Thesis IV: February 26, 2025Receive final approval for scenic items, ground plan, seating arrangementsFrom Don Schneider
Thesis IV: February 26, 2025Receive final approval for digital media, projections/video, sound equipmentFrom Emily Berkheimer, Rachel Duncan
Thesis IV: February 21, 2025Deadline to submit Guest Artist InformationTo Jason Millsap: jason-millsap@uiowa.edu
Thesis IV: March 28. 2025Completed marketing program information form DUE

To Kayla Schindler: kayla-schindler@uiowa.edu 

Thesis IV: https://forms.office.com/r/X6NMC2uQFU

Thesis IV: March 31, 2025Music, Preshow Music, and Custom Preshow Announcement Recording Request DUETo Kevin Swenson:
Thesis IV: March 31, 2025Film a run of your piece and send linkTo Stage Manager and Lighting Designer
Thesis IV: April 7, 2025Cue Sheets due to Stage ManagerTo Stage Manager
Monday after Closing

Remove from theatre all items brought in for performance

Return all check out costumes and props

Return all items purchased with your department provided thesis money

Return keys

 Costumes to Juliana Waechter, Props to Reese Morgan

Purchases to KatyBeth Schmid, Cindy Kubu, Don Schneider, Gina Smothers

HH Keys to Molly Dahlberg, Space Place Keys to KatyBeth Schmid