Fall 2024

Friday, September 13, 3:00-5:00pm in the Scene Shop, TB 182

Please note: Community members that are not University students, faculty, or staff cannot become tool qualified.

  1. Sign up on the sign up sheet (see below).
  2. Complete the online training (see below).
  3. Print or take screenshot your quiz results for the online training and bring it to the hands-on training.
  4. Attend the hands-on training in the Scene Shop on the date and time noted at the top of this page.

Please note: You only need to complete the online training once during your time at the University, but you must complete the hands-on session every academic year to remain qualified.

To sign up, all you need to do is add your name to the sign up sheet linked below.

Tool Qual Sign Up Sheet

How to access my training as a student or a volunteer (non-paid):

  1. Go to this portal, select “Click to Enroll”, and log in with your Hawk ID and password: http://ehs.research.uiowa.edu/training-information
  2. Search for each course by title or course number listed in the table below.
  3. Enroll in each course and follow instructions to complete.
  4. Once completed; print out or screenshot quiz results to have the Tool Qual supervisor sign off that you have completed the training.
Course #Course TitleEstimated Time
W156OSPPE Awareness for Non-Labs10 minutes
W115OSHazCom with GHS15 minutes
W051OSMachine Guarding25 minutes
W040OSLadders10 minutes
W050OSRespirator Voluntary Use15 minutes
W455OSErgonomics – Back Safety10 minutes


This is the list of everyone who has completed Tool Qualification for the Academic Year 2024/2025:
(Names with a * need to complete Online Training)  
  • No one has completed Tool Qual yet