TitleAn Enemy of the People
PlaywrightHenrik Ibsen, translated by Eleanor Marx-Aveling, adapted by Johanna Kasimow with the creative team and ensemble
DirectorJohanna Kasimow
Stage ManagerMaggie McClellan
CategoryMainstage, Mabie Theatre
First RehearsalMarch 3
Load In/Tech /DressApril 11-17
PerformancesApril 18-20 & 24-26

Roles to be cast

[Name and role in town]

Age (Presentation)Gender (Presentation)Description
Dr. Stockmann [head of the baths]AnyAnyHeadstrong; struggles with authority; self-prescribed civic guardian

K. Stockmann [teacher, married to Dr. Stockmann]

[amalgamation of Petra and Mrs. Stockmann]

AnyAnyRealist not blinded by power struggles; devoted to family
P. Stockmann [mayor, older sibling of Dr. Stockmann]AnyAnyQuick to argue; struggles with authority; political animal; buttoned-up
M. Kiil [business person, close to K. Stockmann’s] AnyAnyKnown as “the badger”; politically savvy; works behind the scenes
Hovstaad [editor of local newspaper]AnyAnyScrappy; career-driven; stick-it-to-the-man mentality
Billing [journalist for local newspaper]AnyAnyAgitating for information; unrelenting; not jaded
Captain Horster/Townsperson [Dr. Stockmann’s friend/Townsperson]AnyAnyOutsider; loyal to friends not ideology;  an actor comfortable facilitating audience participation and leading townspeople
Aslaksen [printer of local newspaper]AnyAnyNumber one virtue: “discreet moderation and moderate discretion”
Casting NoteThe ensemble should reflect our community. The casting need not reflect the gender, age, or race in the original script; the performers will be co-creators of the identity of the characters. 
SynopsisIn a small rural town, the economy is flourishing as tourists flock to the local baths, creating palpable optimism in the community. But when a local respected scientist makes a catastrophic discovery that the water supply is contaminated, the future of the town becomes unclear. In a new adaptation, directed by Johanna Kasimow and created with the ensemble, An Enemy of the People sparks a charged dialogue about truth and the complex navigation of collective responsibility.

This show will return early from winter break for a three-day devising workshop Wednesday 1/15, Thursday 1/16, and Saturday 1/18.

This show will not rehearse over spring break except for potentially Saturday 3/15 or Sunday 3/23.

Fight Breakdown

PageStage Directions/ Planned ActionCharacter(s)Notes
Act II, Pg. 2

“[Forces him down on the sofa]”


Dr. Stockmann; KiilTBD the physicality of this moment. 

Act II, pg. 18


Dr. Stockmann [going towards him]. And you dare to–

K. Stockmann [throwing herself between them]. Thomas!

Petra [seizing her father's arm.] Oh! hush, father.

P. Stockmann. I will not expose myself to physical violence. You are warned now. Reflect upon what is due to yourself and to your family. Good-bye.


Dr. Stockmann, K. Stockmann, P. Stockmann


Dr. Stockmann and P. Stockmann (siblings) may get into a physical altercation that K. Stockmann breaks up. 
Act IV

To be devised; the town hall scene becomes increasingly contentious. What might begin as a tussle over a microphone may grow in intensity as Stockmann is declared “Enemy of the people.” Moment with potential physicality from translation: [Horn-blowing, whistling, and wild shouting. The doctor, with his family, goes toward the door. Horster makes way for them.]

All [shouting after them as they go out]. Enemy of the people! Enemy of the people! Enemy of the people!




Intimacy Breakdown

PageStage Directions/ Planned ActionCharacter(s)Notes
Act I, pg. 17“[He seizes her with both hands and whirls her round with him.]”Dr. Stockmann; K. StockmannDr. Stockmann and K. Stockmann are married and there may be additional moments of tender, domestic touch between them. 

Act III, 

pg. 20

“Dr. Stockmann [throwing his arms about her and kissing her].”Dr. Stockmann; K. Stockmann 
Important Dates/Holidays3/3 Beginning of Lent (Orthodox), 3/4 Mardi Gras, 3/5 Ash Wednesday (Beginning of Lent),  3/9 Daylight Savings Begins, 3/13 Palm Sunday, 3/14 Holi Phagwa*, 3/14 Purim*, 3/16-3/23 Spring Break, 3/17 St. Patrick's Day, 3/17 Nuzul Quran*, 3/20 Equinox (Ostara), 3/27 Laylat al-Qadr*, 3/30 Ougadi/Ugaadi, 3/30 Eid al-Fitr (End of Ramadan)*, 4/4 Qing Ming Jie, 4/6 Ram Navami, 4/10 Mahavir Jayanti, 4/12-4/20 Passover*, 4/13 Theravada (New Year), 4/18 Good Friday,  4/18 Good Friday (Orthodox), 4/20 Easter, 4/20 Easter (Orthodox)

An Enemy of the People 

Thursday Callback List 


Thank you to everyone who auditioned on Friday and Saturday and joined us in our first two sessions of callbacks! 

We are not having callbacks on Thursday, November 21st.

 Please email the stage manager, Maggie (maggie-mcclellan@uiowa.edu), with any questions. 


Enemy of the People

Cast List


Thank you to everyone who auditioned! 

Please email Maggie (maggie-mcclellan@uiowa.edu) to accept or decline the role by noon Monday, December 2nd.

Please note this show will return early from winter break for a three-day devising workshop Wednesday 1/15, Thursday 1/16, and Saturday 1/18 and begin rehearsals on Monday, 3/3.  

Joey Lepire 

Dr. Stockmann 

Alicia Philadelphia 

K. Stockmann 

Leah Urzendowski 

P. Stockmann 

Andrew Lindsay 

M. Kiil 

Raphael Thomé 


Abby Paul 


Dale Leonheart 


Sara Alvidrez 



Thank you, 


An Enemy of the People Stage Manager 

Questions or concerns?

Maggie McClellan, Stage Manager: maggie-mcclellan@uiowa.edu

Ella Crosby, Assistant Stage Manager: ella-crosby@uiowa.edu