Playwright & DirectorAnthony Courant
Stage ManagerElla Crosby
CategoryWorkshop, MacVey Theatre
First RehearsalSeptember 23
Load In/Tech /DressOctober 15-17
PerformancesOctober 18-19
Roles to be castAge (Presentation)Gender (Presentation)Description
Kiera 17-19F 
DanielMid 20sM 
Bill DeBlasio50s 60sM 
Mucky N/AN/ADolphin 
SynopsisThe Gowanus Canal is one of the most polluted bodies of water in America. It sits in Brooklyn NY. This play is about the neighborhood surrounding the canal and people that live there. This play is about the end of the world. 

Content Advisory: Discussion of suicide, 9/11, depression, global warming, addiction, death of a family member.

There is no fight or intimacy in this show.

Important Dates/Holidays 10/2-10/4 Rosh Hashanah*, 10/3-10/12 Navaratri, 10/12 Dasara/ Dussehra,​ 10/12 Yom Kippur*, 10/14 Indigenous Peoples' Day, 10/14 Columbus Day (Fed. Observed), 10/16-10/23 Sukkot*











R. Glave

M. Rodriguez

A. Santoleri

H. Larned

P. Hilton

A. Conroy

A. McBride

C. Schwab

N. Logan

Z. Nolte

J. Kinney

L. Petersen

A. Seville

H. Haggas

D. Lee

S. Young

P. O’Brien

N. LoSasso

L. Nelson

S. Martin

J. Miller

Z. Douglas

C. Hohmann

H. Bailey

L. Trask

T. McCarthy

L. De La Rosa

R. San Martin

E. Manjoine

D. Weber

M. Rantilla

M. Lamb

A. Weiss

L. Leding

D. Waterman

E. Nigg

E. Sirna

R. Cowden

K. Robinson

A. Dart

N. McCloy

G. Troelstrup

F. Dapier

C. Larsen

H. Paul 

N. Mayer

M. Willaimson

A. Lavrenko

A. Schilling

S. Polking

A. Burmal

S. Ellen

T. Vineburgh

M. Nugent

M. Nelson

J. Fryvecind

E. Bibb

P. Lambert

J. Stinson

A. MacKay

J. Rood

S. Bode

D. Jacobsen

R. Lim

B. Ellington

E. Sinnwell

A. Lindsay

K. Van Egdon

R. Jackson Alvarenga

C. Niles

J. Hunt

J. Rood

L. Avalos

J. Lepire

A. Hook

N. Veatch

J. Gulden

Callbacks will take place in room 166 TB on Saturday, August 31st. Please contact the stage manager, Ella Crosby (ella-crosby@uiowa.edu) if you have any questions.

KieraAddison McBride
GrahamLandon Trask
PeterMaxwell Rantilla
CharlotteLily Leding
SarahAva Schilling
BillJoshua Fryvecind
MuckyKen Van Egdon
DanielJasper Rood
LevElliot Manjoine

Thank you all for auditioning! Please email the stage manager, Ella Crosby (ella-crosby@uiowa.edu) to accept or decline your role. We are excited to go down to the canal with you all!

Questions or concerns?

Anthony Courant, Playwright, Director, Team Leader: anthony-courant@uiowa.edu

Ella Crosby, Stage Manager: ella-crosby@uiowa.edu