PlaywrightBrody Kivett
DirectorNatanael Payán
Stage ManagerMathew Kier
CategoryWorkshop, MacVey Theatre
First RehearsalSeptember 3
Load In/Tech /DressSeptember 24-26
PerformancesSeptember 27-28
Roles to be castAge (Presentation)Gender (Presentation)Description
FrankieEarly 20sMale presentingThe Gay.
VioletEarly 20sFemale presentingThe Princess. White.
ThelmaEarly 20sTransfemme*The Brain.
OrvilleEarly 20sMale presentingThe Stoner.
ScooterEarly 20sTransmasc*The Heart.
ShortstopLate TeensMale presentingThe Jock.
The CaretakerMid 50sMale presentingThe Geriatric.
The CopEarly 30sMale presentingThe Pig.

Situated in the hills of rural Michigan is the infamous Kingston Estate, home to the sensational Kingston Massacre of 1869. 155 years after the initial incident, a rag-tag group of college kids decide to visit the now dilapidated tourist attraction. Chaos quickly ensues, and before they know it, they’ve caught themselves in what seems to be a second Kingston Massacre. With bodies dropping and lives on the line, does this group have what it takes to survive? Who will live? Who will die?? Who’s the murderer???



Casting Notes:  

  • Transfemme*, or transfeminine, is an umbrella term for people who were assigned male at birth (AMAB) but identify with a feminine gender presentation or expression.
  • Transmasc*, or transmasculine, is an umbrella term for people who were assigned female at birth (AFAB) but identify with a masculine gender presentation or expression.
  • The actor who portrays The Caretaker should be double-casted as the actor who portrays The Cop. This should be done for all productions of this show.

Content warning for discussions of familial death, childhood trauma, domestic violence, queerphobia, addiction and drug use, staged violence, blood and gore, strong language, and use of loud noises/flashing lights.

Fight Breakdown

PageStage Directions/ Planned ActionCharacter(s)Notes
11THE CARETAKER collapses to the ground.The CaretakerFull Cast present onstage
24VIOLET smacks FRANKIE in the back of the head.Frankie, VioletThelma is also in the room

FRANKIE screams, falling into THELMA’s arms. THELMA pushes FRANKIE off her.


Thelma, FrankieViolet is also in the room
42VIOLET elbows FRANKIE in the side.Frankie, VioletTHELMA, ORVILLE, SCOOTER, & SHORTSTOP are also in the room

ORVILLE tumbles to the ground. He sits up, rubbing his head. THELMA helps ORVILLE stand.


Orville, ThelmaVIOLET, FRANKIE, SCOOTER, & SHORTSTOP are also in the room
49SCOOTER collapses to his knees, shaking.Scooter



Weapons Present Onstage: knife (in SHORTSTOP)




ORVILLE shakes SCOOTER again.


Scooter, Orville

THELMA, VIOLET, & SHORTSTOP are also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: knife (in SHORTSTOP)



SCOOTER tries to cling to SHORTSTOP’s body, in a refusal to leave. [SCOOTER] Fighting back against them. VIOLET and ORVILLE continue to try and move him. THELMA grabs SCOOTER’s hands.


Scooter, Orville, Thelma, Violet, ShortstopWeapons Present Onstage: knife (in SHORTSTOP)

THELMA takes SCOOTER’S hands, moving them from SHORTSTOP slowly. After a struggle, they [VIOLET, ORVILLE, THELMA] are able to get SCOOTER standing and they all rush to the exit.


Scooter, Orville, Thelma,

Violet, Shortstop

Weapons Present Onstage: knife (in SHORTSTOP)
54FRANKIE smacks VIOLET on the back of the head.Frankie, Violet

THELMA, ORVILLE, and SCOOTER are also in the room



ORVILLE backs away into SCOOTER. THE CARETAKER swipes their knife twice at ORVILLE and SCOOTER, but they duck and dodge it both times.


Scooter, Orville, The CaretakerWeapons Present Onstage: knife (wielded by THE CARETAKER)

VIOLET grabs a pillow and hits FRANKIE over the head, sending him flying to the floor. VIOLET picks the pillow up and throws it again much harder. FRANKIE grabs another pillow, slapping VIOLET across the face with it, knocking her to the ground. VIOLET stands, picking up a book. VIOLET slaps FRANKIE with the book. He falls harder than before. The fight has now become much more violent, yet the two remain giggly throughout it, seemingly unphased by the pain. FRANKIE picks up a metal tray, and slams it into VIOLET’s face, sending her flying to the floor.


Frankie, VioletWeapons Present Onstage: no weapons but two pillows, a book, and a metal tray are utilized as weapons by both FRANKIE and VIOLET

VIOLET looks around the corner and is yanked into the darkness screaming. A struggle is heard. Then silence. VIOLET’s arm reaches around the door frame, and she stumbles out of the closet, clutching her throat. Blood begins to pour from her neck and her mouth, as she struggles to stand. With one hand, she reaches out to FRANKIE, before collapsing to the ground.


VioletFRANKIE and THE CARETAKER are also in the room

 THE CARETAKER attempts to chase FRANKIE around the bed for an uncomfortably long time.   Eventually, FRANKIE runs out of the room, screaming at the top of his lungs and flailing his arms in the air. THE CARETAKER angrily thrusts the knife into the bed.

THE CARETAKER goes to the side of the bed, lifts the sheet, and unlocks a lockbox. Out of it, he grabs a gun. THE CARETAKER cocks the gun and smiles, he exits.


Frankie, The Caretaker

VIOLET is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: knife (wielded by THE CARETAKER but eventually plunged into the bed) and gun (preset underneath the bed but eventually wielded by THE CARETAKER)


FRANKIE, ORVILLE, and SCOOTER all tiptoe further into the room, facing the direction from which they came, until they collide with each other's backs. SCOOTER and ORVILLE hug each other, and FRANKIE falls to the floor.


Scooter, Orville, Frankie 

A door flies open. THE CARETAKER enters, holding a gun, eyes blazing. He aims the gun at the boys and fires. They duck, barely missing the bullet.


Scooter, Orville, Frankie, The CaretakerWeapons Present Onstage: gun (wielded by THE CARETAKER)

THE CARETAKER enters, aims his gun at ORVILLE, and fires. As it strikes, SCOOTER and FRANKIE enter. SCOOTER screams in horror. THE CARETAKER fires, FRANKIE barely misses being hit. FRANKIE yanks SCOOTER from the floor and pulls him to the door.


Scooter, Orville, Frankie, The CaretakerWeapons Present Onstage: gun (wielded by THE CARETAKER)

Without hesitation, THE CARETAKER shoots FRANKIE in the head. He falls to the floor, lifeless.


Frankie, The Caretaker

SCOOTER is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: gun (wielded by THE CARETAKER)


80THE CARETAKER grabs SCOOTER, yanking him out from under the desk.Scooter, The Caretaker

FRANKIE is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: gun (wielded by THE CARETAKER)



THE CARETAKER aims his gun at SCOOTER’s head. SCOOTER falls to his knees, hopeless. THE CARETAKER cocks his gun.


Scooter, The Caretaker

FRANKIE is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: gun (wielded by THE CARETAKER)



THE CARETAKER drops his gun to the floor, before falling to his knees. He reaches one arm out to SCOOTER, before collapsing to the floor. SCOOTER slowly looks up to see THELMA, covered in blood and heaving, holding a knife over the CARETAKER’s body.


Scooter, Thelma, The Caretaker

FRANKIE is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: gun (dropped onto the floor by THE CARETAKER) and knife (wielded by THELMA)

86SCOOTER attempts to run away, but is held down by VIOLET.Scooter, Violet

THELMA is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: knife (wielded by THELMA)



THELMA hands the knife to VIOLET, who has a giddy expression on her face. VIOLET rams the knife into THELMA’s side, who screams in pain. VIOLET hands the knife to THELMA, who snatches it away. THELMA charges at VIOLET, ramming the knife directly into her stomach. VIOLET screams bloody murder. THELMA stabs the knife in deeper. VIOLET screams in agony. Laughing maniacally, THELMA twists the knife, which causes VIOLET’s knees to give out. THELMA twists the knife multiple times, causing VIOLET to fall more and more, and become weaker and weaker. After doing so, she aggressively removes the knife from VIOLET’S body.


Thelma, Violet

SCOOTER is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: knife (wielded by both THELMA and VIOLET)


THELMA, beginning to look up, is interrupted by ORVILLE, who smashes the metal tray over her head, sending both her glasses and knife flying.


Orville, Thelma

SCOOTER and VIOLET are also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: knife (dropped onto the floor by THELMA) and metal tray (utilized as a weapon by ORVILLE)



THELMA charges at SCOOTER, but ORVILLE pushes him out of the way. THELMA tackles ORVILLE to the ground, attempting to strangle him. Before she can, THE COP bursts through the front door. Approaching the three, gun raised, THE COP looks to ORVILLE.


Scooter, Orville, Thelma, The Cop

VIOLET is also in the room


Weapons Present Onstage: knife (on the floor) and gun (wielded by THE COP)


Intimacy Breakdown

PageStage Directions/ Planned ActionCharacter(s)Notes

ORVILLE and SCOOTER scream and SCOOTER jumps into ORVILLE’s arms. ORVILLE lets SCOOTER down.


Scooter, OrvilleBudding Romance

ORVILLE reaches for SCOOTER, pulling him in. SCOOTER clings his arms around ORVILLE and they rock for a moment. SCOOTER continues to sob into ORVILLE’s chest, and ORVILLE wraps his arms around SCOOTER. ORVILLE tries to get SCOOTER to see into his face. ORVILLE pushes SCOOTER off his chest and cups his face in his hands. ORVILLE takes SCOOTER’s hands in his.


Scooter, OrvilleBudding Romance
82THELMA reaches down, pulling SCOOTER to his feet.Scooter, ThelmaLong-Term Friendship
83THELMA reaches down, and fishes a pair of keys out of THE CARETAKER’s pocket.Thelma, The CaretakerAcquaintances
84THELMA rushes to VIOLET, putting her hands on VIOLET’s face.Thelma, VioletEstablished Romantic Relationship (~1 year)

SCOOTER rushes at ORVILLE, throws his arms around him, and kisses him passionately. ORVILLE, shocked and excited, wraps his arm around SCOOTER, pulling him in tighter. Before the kiss can last any longer, THE COP re-enters, interrupting their moment.


Scooter, Orville, The CopBudding Romance/New Romantic Relationship
96SCOOTER AND ORVILLE laugh, still holding each other.Scooter, OrvilleBudding Romance/New Romantic Relationship
98ORVILLE takes SCOOTER’s hands in his own.Scooter, OrvilleBudding Romance/New Romantic Relationship
Important Dates/Holidays: 9/7 Ganesh Chaturthi, 9/16 Mawlid al-Nabi*, 9/16 Anant Chaturdashi, 9/22 Equinox (Mabon)

Thank you to all those who auditioned and came to callbacks see our cast list in the section below.


Cast List 



Nicky LoSasso 


John Stinson 


Zoe Mae Nolte 


Andrew Lindsay 


Nicolette Mayer 


James Gulden 

The Caretaker/The Cop 

Joey Lepire 


Thank you to all who auditioned!  

Please email mathew-kier@uiowa.edu to accept or deny your role. 

Questions or concerns?

Brody Kivett, Playwright & Team Leader: brody-kivett@uiowa.edu

Natanael Payán, Director: nat-payan@uiowa.edu

Mathew Kier, Stage Manager: mathew-kier@uiowa.edu