
The Space Between Coke Bottles and Orange Slices

Playwright & Director

Nat Payán

Stage Manager

Zhenya Loughney


Workshop, MacVey Theatre

First Rehearsal

October 2

Load In/Tech /Dress

October 24-26


October 27-28

Roles to be cast

Age (Presentation)

Gender (Presentation)



Early 20s


A lover of poetry and oranges.


Early 20s


A lover of stars and Coke.


Early 20s


Spends most of his time playing video games and being an idiot.


Early 20s

Aggressively Male

College dropout. Religious but not devout.


Early 20s


Has no idea how to properly deal with emotions, but cares deeply for LGBTQ+ rights and literature.


60s – Early 70s


Professor at Apollo and Mason's university, the dinosaur of the English Department.


Apollo is living as a transgender man in a world which isn’t too kind to trans people and struggles to navigate his relationship with his cisgender boyfriend Mason. Oh, and he’s also trying to write something in time for his poetry class's showcase.


Content Warning for discussion of anti-trans legislation, forced outing, transphobia, t-slur*, and strong language. This play also contains the action of snorting a powdery substance, which is scripted as Smarties.

*Said by Sean while Apollo is not present onstage


Fight Choreography Breakdown


Stage Directions/ Planned Action



Pg. 7

ALEX chugs the rest of his Mt. Dew, crushes the can against his head, and throws it behind him.


Might need a second set of eyes on the action.

Pg. 16

ALEX goes over to SEAN and smacks him upside the head.

Alex & Sean

Mason is in the room as well.

Pg. 16

MASON and ALEX give each other a knowing look. Together they push the box, causing packing peanuts and SEAN to fall to the ground.

Mason, Alex, & Sean

Pg. 21 & 22

ALEX throws a couch pillow at SEAN.

MASON rolls his eyes and also throws a pillow at him.

ALEX hits SEAN with a pillow again.

Alex, Sean, & Mason

Pg. 29

SEAN groans and hits ALEX’s stomach.

Pg. 46

SEAN grabs a birthday noise maker and forces it into MASON’s mouth.

Sean & Mason

Alex is in the room as well.

Pg. 47

MASON punches SEAN in the face.

Pg. 48

MASON chucks the 2-liter of Coke at SEAN.

Intimacy Choreography Breakdown


Stage Directions/ Planned Action



Pg. 2

APOLLO smiles emphatically and gets comfortable, resting his head on MASON’s lap.

Apollo & Mason

Romantic Partners

Pg. 9

APOLLO practically collapses into MASON’s embrace.

Pg. 19

SEAN gets up and brings APOLLO in for a bro hug. APOLLO tenses but accepts.

Sean & Apollo

Budding Friendship

Pg. 28

APOLLO hurriedly pecks MASON on the cheek and rushes to exit.

Apollo & Mason

Romantic Partners

Pg. 34

APOLLO hugs MARIGOLD. She’s stunned by the sudden physical contact but eventually returns it.

Apollo & Marigold

Budding Friendship

Pg. 35

MASON embraces APOLLO and places a tender kiss on his forehead.

Mason & Apollo

Romantic Partners

Pg. 40 & 41

Emotionally charged house key and orange hand-off.

Pg. 42

MARIGOLD sits next to APOLLO and awkwardly pats his back.

Marigold & Apollo

Budding Friendship

Pg. 45

ALEX is consoling a sobbing MASON on the couch.

Alex & Mason

Old Friends

Important Dates/Holidays

9/29-10/6 Sukkot*, 10/6-10/8 Sh’mini Atzeret *, 10/8 Simchat Torah*, 10/9 Indigenous Peoples' Day, 10/9 Columbus Day (Fed. Observed), 10/15-10/24 Navaratri, 10/24 Dasara/ Dussehra


1:00p – 2:00p 

2:00p – 3:00p 

3:00p – 4:00p 

4:00p – 5:00p 

Charlie Duffy 

Kylen Phillips 

Kolton Stremler 

Sohaib Qeshta 

Catie Rios 

Alice Conroy 

Madeline Rodriguez 

Helaina Kalman 

Taylor Toom 

Sam Gentil 

Colin Payan 

Tony Nguyen 

Joey Lepire 

Jasper Rood 

Jacob Licht 

Delaney Waterman 

Asha Keller 

Bella Hohenadel 

Noa Zapin 

Jason Vernon 

Brody Kivett 

John Stinson 

Lucas Nelson 

Miya Swenson 

Emma Schroeder 

Jennifer Hogan 

Abby Paul 

Joshua Fryvecind 


Aidan Seville 

Ethan Hooten 

Jack Grosenbach 

Max Rantilla 

MK Shultz 

Lindsey Wildman 

Jordan Kinney 

Laurel Preston 

Alice Webster 


Callbacks will take place in TB 166 on Sunday. Please contact Nat Payan with any questions, conflicts, or concerns. 


Side 1

Side 2

Side 3

Side 4

Side 5


The Space Between Coke Bottles and Orange Slices

Cast List



Brody Kivett


Jack Grosenbach


Lucas Nelson


Ethan Hooten


Catie Rios


MK Shultz


Thank you to all who auditioned!

Please email zhenya-loughney@uiowa.edu to accept or decline your role, along with any questions and concerns.  


Zhenya Loughney, SM


The rehearsal schedule will be posted by the first rehearsal on October 2.

Questions or concerns?

Nat Payán, Playwright, Director, Team Leader: nat-payan@uiowa.edu

Zhenya Loughney, Stage Manager: zhenya-loughney@uiowa.edu